The President of Good and Evil

The President of Good and Evil

Peter Singer

Language: English

Published: Aug 18, 2010


President George W. Bush is the 'President of Good and Evil'-the man who, more than any other United States president in living memory, talks constantly about ethics, about values, about good and evil.

This book is an attempt to hold the policies of George W. Bush, and his actions as president, up to an ethical standard-including his own. But it goes beyond that. It is also a study in a distinctively American ethic, for there are many features of his ethic that are not widely held elsewhere in the developed world. (There are also, of course, many Americans who do not share them.)

Unlike the 'moral character' issue that conservatives used to attack Clinton, Singer is interested in the ethical stances that determine what Bush does as president, rather than as a private citizen. The President of Good & Evil is his attempt to hold the world's most prominent moralist accountable.

This is a serious attempt to understand America's “most prominent...