The Hound of Rowan

The Hound of Rowan

Henry H. Neff

Book 1.0 of The Tapestry

Language: English

Publisher: Random House, Inc.

Published: Sep 25, 2007


EDITORIAL REVIEW: MAX MCDANIELS LIVES a quiet life in the suburbs of Chicago, until the day he stumbles upon a mysterious Celtic tapestry. Many strange people are interested in Max and his tapestry. His discovery leads him to Rowan Academy, a secret school where great things await him.But dark things are waiting, too. When Max learns that priceless artworks and gifted children are disappearing, he finds himself in the crossfire of an ancient struggle between good and evil. To survive, he'll have to rely on a network of agents and mystics, the genius of his roommate, and the frightening power awakening within him.