The Man Tamer

The Man Tamer

Myers, Cindi

Book 323.0 of Harlequin Blaze

Language: English

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Published: May 1, 2007


SUMMARY: There's not a man Rachel Westover can't tame. Or at least transform from a sloppy, sports-loving, self-absorbed male into the perfect mate. Then she meets Garret Kelly, aka The Wild Man. Talk about a challenge-- in a gorgeous package, no less. Can her behavior-modification techniques take on a guy this set in his rumpled-- and surprisingly irresistible-- ways? Rachel's hormones, er, "ambitions," are jumping at the chance. If she succeeds in domesticating Garret, she gets her own TV show. If she fails... Well, failure isn't an option. Sure, he's more resistant than she expected. And withholding pleasure as punishment affects "her" so much, she's abandoned that strategy. But she's determined one of them is going to their knees. She just hopes it isn't her!