Sons and Lovers
D. H. Lawrence; Victoria Blake
The English Heiress
Roberta Gellis
Heiress series (1)
Land's End: A Walk in Provincetown
Michael Cunningham
Tara Westover
Plum Lucky
Janet Evanovich
The Bad Beginning
Lemony A. Snicket
The miserable mill
When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden: What the Government ...
Bill Maher
Visions of Sugar Plums
The prince
Niccolò Machiavelli; Peter E. Bondanella
The road
Cormac McCarthy
Monstrous Regiment
Terry Pratchett
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J.K. Rowling
Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe
The shadow rising
Robert Jordan
Sherlock Holmes. Illustrated
Arthur Conan Sir Doyle
One Door From Heaven
Dean Koontz
Bret Easton Ellis
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Seduced by Moonlight
Laurell K. Hamilton
The elegant universe: superstrings, hidden dimensions, and the ...
Brian Greene
Larry Niven
Michael Crichton
Magician, apprentice
Raymond E. Feist
The Family
Jeff Sharlet
Forward the Foundation
Isaac Asimov
The Black Dahlia
James Ellroy
The Colour of Magic
You Suck: A Love Story
Christopher Moore
Clarissa Oakes
Patrick O'Brian
Wheel of Time 10 - Crossroads of Twilight
Emma Donoghue
The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare
Last Night in Twisted River: A Novel
John Irving
Nineteen Minutes
Jodi Picoult
Wheel of Time 11 - Knife of Dreams
Faith of the Fallen
Terry Goodkind
Perdido Street Station
China Miéville
Drood: A Novel
Dan Simmons
Bloody Bones
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Mark Twain
The Ionian Mission
Look to Windward
Iain M. Banks
Jane Austen
Decision Points
George W. Bush
Henry IV (Part 2)
The Magicians
Lev Grossman
Forever Odd
The Mauritius Command
The power of myth
Joseph Campbell; Bill D. Moyers; Betty S. Flowers
Calculating God
Robert J. Sawyer
The Hard Way: A Reacher Novel
Lee Child
Furies of Calderon
Jim Butcher
[Brotherhood 03] - Lover Awakened
JR Ward
The Amber Spyglass
Philip Pullman
Naked Empire
Northanger Abbey
Chuck Palahniuk
Children of Dune
Frank Herbert
Our mutual friend
Charles Dickens
Assassin's quest
Robin Hobb
The Darkest Evening of the Year