Demon Apocalypse

Demon Apocalypse

Darren Shan

Book 6.0 of The Demonata

Language: English

Published: May 15, 2008


Product Description

One boy's life ripped to shreds before his eyes...

One wrathful demon master hell-bent on revenge...

An army of grisly Demonata on the rampage...

It's the end of the world as we know it.

The sixth novel in the chilling Demonata series by Darren Shan, author of the New York Times bestselling Cirque Du Freak series, will terrify readers long after the last page.

About the Author

"I was born in London in 1972 and moved to Ireland when I was 6 years old, where I've lived ever since. I always wanted to be a writer - I've loved telling stories since I was a child. I started out writing books for adults, and managed to get a couple published. One day, on a whim, I decided to try a book for children. The result was Cirque Du Freak. Much to my surprise, it took off, and I became a de facto children's author! Since then I've used my ill-gotten gains to buy lots of comic-strip art and travel the world. When I'm not working or traveling, I like watching movies. I've even been known to read the odd book or two."

Darren is working on his seventh novel in the bone-chilling Demonata series, coming in November 2008.