When the Snow Fell

When the Snow Fell

Henning Mankell & Laurie Thompson

Book 3.0 of Joel Gustafsson

Language: English

Publisher: Random House, Inc.

Published: Aug 11, 2009


EDITORIAL REVIEW: *Joel Gustafson’s journey toward becoming a man continues.*As it has in the past, the first snow of the year signifies to Joel Gustafson his very own New Year’s Eve. So when the snow begins to fall on a cold November day, Joel gets busy making new resolutions—three, to be exact. As the winter days pass, life becomes ever more complicated. Joel has questions and the answers don’t necessarily come easily, but he is determined to keep his resolutions—for his father, for himself, and for their future. In this companion novel to *A Bridge to the Stars *and *Shadows in the Twilight*, readers follow Joel’s journey as he realizes along the way that it will require determination, strength, and valor to truly become a man.