Blood Sunset
Jarad Henry
The Long Song
Andrea Levy
The outcast
Simon Hawke
The Frightened Man
Kenneth Cameron
The Cat Who Played Post Office
Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern
The Cat Who Sniffed Glue
The cat who turned on and off
The cat who lived high
The cat who went into the closet
The Grifters (Read a Great Movie)
Jim Thompson
Up from Earth's Center
Kenneth Robeson
Hidden Codes in ther Bible
Roy A. Reinhold
Blood Orchid
Stuart Woods
Dirty Work
The last precinct
Patricia Cornwell
Blow fly
Point of origin
Unnatural exposure
Southern Cross
Black notice
Body of evidence
Scarpetta's winter table
From Potter's Field
Cruel and unusual
The Body Farm
Portrait of a killer Jack the Ripper-- case closed
All that remains: a novel
Cause of death
Isle of dogs
Hornet's nest
Fools die: a novel
Mario Puzo
The Sicilian: Omerta
Stone Kiss
Faye Kellerman
Tomorrow might be different
Mack Reynolds
Trample an empire down
Jerusalem Delivered (1854)
Torquato Tasso
Vanity fair: authoritative text, backgrounds and contents, criticism
William Makepeace Thackeray; Peter L. Shillingsburg
Creating Web sites bible
David A. Crowder; Andrew Bailey
The Unofficial Harry Potter Encyclopedia: Harry Potter A - Z
Kristina Benson
Wen Spencer
The third policeman a novel
Flann O'Brien
The interpretation of dreams
Sigmund Freud; James Strachey
A Criminal History of Mankind
Colin Wilson
Johnathan Kellerman
Blood Test
Private Eyes
The Web
Crime wave: reportage and fiction from the underside of L.A.
James Ellroy
Survival of the Fittest
Hollywood Nocturnes
The Big Nowhere
Don't panic: Douglas Adams & The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Neil Gaiman
Snow, glass, apples
Neil Gaiman; Charles Vess
Books Have Sexes
Nessun Dove
Evil under the sun: a Hercule Poirot mystery
Agatha Christie
Murder in Mesopotamia: A Hercule Poirot Mystery
The more than complete hitchhiker's guide: the hitchhiker's ...
Douglas Adams
Hercule Poirot's Christmas: A Holiday Mystery
The murder on the links