Theory of Computation Lecture Notes
Abhijat Vichare
Night School: (Jack Reacher 21)
Lee Child
Jack Reacher (21)
Day by Day
Delia Parr
Lost City
Clive Cussler; Paul Kemprecos
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2002: 8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm ...
Martti Penttonen & Erik Meineche Schmidt
Algorithms in a Nutshell
George Heineman & Gary Pollice & Stanley Selkow
3ds Max 5 for Dummies
Shamms Mortier
Timing for Animation
Harold Whitaker & John Halas
Animation From Pencils to Pixels: Classical Techniques for Digital ...
Tony White
Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation
Anil Menon
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers
C. S. Krishnamoorthy & S. Rajeev
Evolutionary Synthesis of Pattern Recognition Systems
Bir Bhanu & Yingqiang Lin & Krzysztof Krawiec
Machine Learning in Computer Vision
Nicu Sebe & Ira Cohen & Ashutosh Garg & Thomas S. Huang
AI for Game Developers
David M. Bourg & Glenn Seemann
Computational Intelligence for Decision Support
Zhengxin Chen
Computability: An Introduction to Recursive Function Theory
Nigel Cutland