Deadly Little Secret
Laurie Faria Stolarz
The Gathering Storm
Robert Jordan; Brandon Sanderson
A Duty to the Dead
Charles Todd
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Factoring humanity
Robert J. Sawyer
Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming
Daniel Sanchez-Crespo & Daniel Sánchez-Crespo Dalmau
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code
Eoin Colfer
Computational Intelligence in Control
Masoud Mohammadian & Xin Yao
C++ Plus Data Structures
Nell B. Dale
3ds Max 5 for Dummies
Shamms Mortier
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2002: 8th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm ...
Martti Penttonen & Erik Meineche Schmidt
Timing for Animation
Harold Whitaker & John Halas
Intelligent Communication Systems: Toward Constructing Human ...
Nobuyoshi Terashima
Computer Vision
Linda G. Shapiro & George C. Stockman
Swarm Intelligence
James F. Kennedy & James Kennedy & Russell C. Eberhart & Yuhui Shi
Intelligent Control Systems Using Soft Computing Methodologies
Ali Zilouchian & Mo Jamshidi
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-Based ...
Nello Cristianini & John Shawe-Taylor & Department Of Computer Science Royal Holloway John Shawe-Taylor
Computational Intelligence for Decision Support
Zhengxin Chen
In the beginning ...was the command line
Neal Stephenson
Player piano
Kurt Vonnegut
2001: a space odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
Melanie Mitchell
The fool's run
John Sandford
Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics
Robert Gilmore
The Elements of Artificial Intelligence Using Common Lisp
Steven Tanimoto
Formal Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages: A Laboratory ...
Kenneth Slonneger & Barry L. Kurtz
C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Valluru Rao & Hayagriva V. Rao
Computational Complexity
Christos H. Papadimitriou
Algorithms in C
Robert Sedgewick & David S. Touretzky
Robert Sedgewick
Theory of Computation: IBM Basic
Eitan M. Gurari
Parallel Complexity Theory
Ian Parberry & Tan Parberry
Machine Learning an Artificial Intelligence Approach
Ryszard S. Michalski & Jaime G. Carbonell & Tom M. Mitchell
Computability: An Introduction to Recursive Function Theory
Nigel Cutland