Killing Floor
Lee Child
Jack Reacher (1)
Pygmalion and three other plays
George Bernard Shaw
The Model Wife
Julia Llewellyn
T is for Trespass
Sue Grafton
The Singing of the Dead
Dana Stabenow
S Is for Silence
"R" is for ricochet
R is for Ricochet
"Q" is for quarry
"P" Is for Peril
P Is for Peril
N is for Noose
"M" is for malice
M is for Malice
"K" is for killer
A is for Alibi
"H" Is for Homicide
H Is for Homicide
"G" Is for Gumshoe
"E" is for evidence
A Caress of Twilight
Laurell K. Hamilton
"A" is for Alibi