Disciple of the Dog
R. Scott Bakker
Good Daughters
Joyce Maynard
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
Michael Lewis
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Andreas C. Mùˆller & Sarah Guido
Blood of the Mantis
Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Walls of the Universe
Paul Melko
The Last Page
Anthony Huso
The Winds of Dune
Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Soulf of the Fire
Terry Goodkind
Blood of the Fold
Stone of Tears
Speaker for the Dead
Orson Scott Card
Ender's Game
Final Assault
Stephen Ames Berry
Jumper Cable
Piers Anthony
The Machine Crusade
Dune: Legends of Dune (2)
The Battle of Corrin
Dune: Legends of Dune (3)
Nova War
Gary Gibson
The Shoal (2)
The Dastard
Xanth (24)