Consciousness Explained (Penguin Science)
Daniel C. Dennett
A practical guide to witchcraft and magic spells
Cassandra Eason
Dragon Haven
Robin Hobb
The Rain Wild Chronicles (2)
The omnivore's dilemma: a natural history of four meals
Michael Pollan
Altered Carbon
Richard Morgan
Woken Furies
Stone Spring
Stephen Baxter
Dead to the World
Charlaine Harris
Elves: Once Walked with Gods
James Barclay
Metro 2033
Dmitry Glukhovsky
Dead Until Dark
The Way of Kings
Brandon Sanderson
The Arctic Event
Robert Ludlum & James Cobb
Covert-One (7)
Shadow's Son
Jon Sprunk
Shadow (1)
A Touch of Dead
Southern Vampire Mysteries (4.5)
Tome of the Undergates
Sam Sykes
The Aeon's Gate (1)
The Ragged Man
Tom Lloyd
Twilight Reign (4)